Frequently Asked Questions
How comparable are these faceplates to OEM?
Very. We’ve gone through many different prototypes where things didn’t feel up to par, and have worked tirelessly to ensure that the notches on both sticks feel just like OEM, the seams on the edges do not overlap and feel sharp, the face buttons feel nice and snappy, and the Z-button gap is the correct size. The faceplates have also been tested extensively for several months by top players such as Zamu, Magi, and yours truly (Spark!)
What notches are these?
These notches are a direct replica of a brand-new faceplate carefully hand-crafted by Kadano, who is considered by many to be the greatest notcher in the world. For every Sparkplate sold, Kadano profits as well.
What controllers does this work with?
This faceplate only works with controllers capable of notch-calibration (PhobGCC and Goomwave). You can try your luck with an OEM, but your values will likely be at least slightly, if not very off.
Why is this better than just getting a faceplate by Kadano?
Simply put, the price – as well as the wait time. This product offers a highly-functional alternative to the traditional hand-crafted OEM faceplate at a fraction of the cost.
I’ve had GameCube controllers where the edges felt very sharp, will this have that issue?
This often happens when mixing-and-matching shells i.e. using an Ult faceplate with a classic back shell, etc. Our plates have been tested to provide the best on-average seam feel, regardless of which back shell is used. If an issue does present itself though, I recommend trying a different back shell. If you are still unhappy with the product, please contact me @Sparkmelee on Twitter, or Discord @ “.spark.”
My face buttons don’t feel right!
Buttons will feel different even in different OEM faceplates. Sometimes it’s the faceplates, sometimes it’s the buttons themselves, sometimes it’s the rubber pad. If you’re having issues, I recommend trying swapping the rubber pad with a different OEM one, or swapping the buttons out with different ones (can be identical). If the issue persists, using bald buttons or even having the rubber pad perforated can also resolve the issue. If you are still unhappy with the product, please contact me @Sparkmelee on Twitter, or Discord @ “.spark.”
Is screwing the faceplate difficult?
The plate may be slightly more difficult than an OEM faceplate upon the very first time screwing it together, but other than that there should be no trouble.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship internationally! Reach out to us with your shipping address and we will provide a quote.